6 out of 8 $US125M F22 air superiority fighters on a 12 hour+ flight from Hawaii to Okinawa reportedly had many of their computer systems crash as they crossed the international dateline. The systems were unable to be rebooted by pilots. The aircraft apparently retained full control of the engine management and flight control systems but lost many other systems. As they were flying with tanker aircraft they were able to turn back and use the tankers navigation systems for support. http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=6225 While the full details of what did and didn't get affected are not being revealed by the Air Force it's clear that areal problem did occur. The above link gives both an account of what (allegedly) happened plus an extensive public discussion. While much of the discussion is about as valuable as one has come to expect of internet forums there are some gems therein relating to the F22, F35, F15c and aircraft which they may be expected to "compete" against. The episode is a superb example of a Y2K type bug and of how severe such things can be in real life. On another facet of the F22 - probably not discussable in detail on this list, the amazing superiority ratios claimed in some reports for the F22 inm simulated encounters are put into some perspective by the apparently informed comments headed "F-22 is the 1337" by Red Thunder on 3/6/2007. This suggests that the real world superiority ratios may fall to somewhere below 5:1 in real world situations and maybe below 2:1 on occasion. Russell -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist