In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, bean wrote: You need to declare the subroutines. After you do that, you can also get rid of the GOSUB too. [code] DEVICE sx28, oschs3, TURBO, OPTIONX IRC_CAL IRC_SLOW FREQ 28_000_000 Alpha_S SUB Alpha_O SUB PROGRAM starter starter: TRIS_A = $0F RA = 0 X var byte Y var byte Hi_Nib var byte Byt_part var byte Message: Alpha_S Alpha_O Alpha_S PAUSE 1250 ' Fast Blink series here: FOR Y = 0 TO 7 HIGH RA.3 PAUSE 100 LOW RA.3 PAUSE 100 NEXT PAUSE 2000 [color=red>'Intensities] FOR Hi_Nib = 0 TO 7 FOR Byt_Part = $00 TO $FF HIGH RA.3 PAUSEUS 100 LOW RA.3 PAUSEUS 900 NEXT NEXT[/color] GOTO Message Alpha_S: FOR X = 0 TO 2 HIGH RA.3 PAUSE 200 LOW RA.3 PAUSE 300 NEXT PAUSE 750 RETURN Alpha_O: FOR X = 0 TO 2 HIGH RA.3 PAUSE 500 LOW RA.3 PAUSE 300 NEXT PAUSE 750 RETURN [/code] Bean ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2007 (