I have also had the Zlob virus about a month ago which I regret to say seemed to have been picked up by looking too closely at something on the PIC page which contained a nasty. I finally got rid of it by enlisting the help of Microsoft's technical support, which comes without charge in this country (Australia). They emailed me a suite of diagnostic tools, one of which created a log file of everything that loaded at start-up. After running this tool, I emailed the log file back to them for analysis to find the files containing the virus, which they subsequently told me to remove. I came to the conclusion that the ZLOB message which was displayed was a hoax used to hide several other real viruses and spyware. I searched Symantec's website and could not find any reference to ZLOB. In my case the viruses were loaded at start-up. One was a pop-up which appeared every time the computer started and claimed to scan my computer for privacy intrusions, using a bogus detection tool named "Pest Capture", which is actually spyware. At various times during the "scan" it was suggested that the computer was infected, and I was invited to subscribe to what looked like looked legitimate malware removal tools but actually they were all malware. If I had accepted the offer, they no doubt would have required my bank account details. The other hijacked the homepage of my internet provider whenever I tried to connect to the internet, replacing it with their own page "protection band .com", listing Pest Capture as one of their partners, and offering the following tools all of which are believed to be malware:- Spyheal Pest Capture Antivirus Golden Brave Sentry Malware wiped This virus also displayed a message that the computer was infected by the MYZOR worm (also unknown on Symantec's website) One of the viruses left several entries in the registry, containing "file not found" followed by other data. Doing a registry search and deleting all of these entries resolved some of the problems, but if you attempt to do it, be sure to backup the registry first As for checking for viruses, some of the providers of antivirus programs offer a free on-line scan for viruses. and some also offer removal tools for specific viruses once you have identified them. Some also offer a 30 day or 3 month free trial version of their antivirus program which you can download and use to remove the viruses, but it may take several hours to download if you are on dialup internet Regards Harry Pfeifer -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist