In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, AtomicZombie wrote: Well, that obvious reduction in two cycles worked just fine, thanks Bean. After a few more hours of experimenting with code, I just about had a PS2 keyboard input working during hsync periods, then everything began to fail. Seems that the clock on the SX-Key started to get really flaky after being on for a few seconds, and it kept getting worse until the timing would no longer work at all. On a scope, the clock looks really ugly now! I was told that that it is normal for the key to get quite warm when generating a fast clock like 65MHz, but I wonder now. I guess I will have to order a 65MHz clock osc and try that instead. On the bright side, I did get a full 256x128 image on the screen (image attached is my lowracer trike). The garbage at the start of the image is actually code stored in the SRAM (only using 32K right now, so there is not enough room for both the image and code). Soon I will have a simple system that can generate decent VGA graphics, 3 voice sound, and read a keyboard and mouse in one SX chip. I know, dude, the propellor will do that already, but that's the very reason why I don't want to use it. Remember how fun legos were until they started molding many of the complex parts together as a single block? Took all the fun out of it for me! My goal is to learn about video programming, so using a pre made system would spoil it for me. I do think the prop. is a great design, especially for those that need a solution without all the pain. Like James Kirk once said... "I need my pain!!" Cheers all! Brad ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2007 (