> A1 as a digital i/p should be very high impedance But its an analog input. And I just tried the resistor anyway. The square wave remains as such. But changes shape with the PIC. Mohit. Jinx wrote: >>> What happens if you try a resistance in place of the PIC pin ? >> You mean: R4 and then the PIC pin?.. I've tried 10R and >> 22R. No help > > No, I mean a resistor to ground from the C8 side of R4, without > the PIC installed. A1 as a digital i/p should be very high impedance > (judging by the i/p leakage figure of 1uA) so I guess a few Mohm > might be representative > -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist