In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, tdg8934 wrote: I got the SX52 protoboards in last night. I finished soldering in the transistor/resistor (negative in to circuit to Anodes - rows) AND {(2) ULN2803's (8 outputs) not the (3) ULN2003's (7 outputs) } (positive in to chips to Cathodes - columns) that I mentioned before. After that I soldered ribbon cable from the RB, RC, RD, RE from the SX52 protoboard to the 16x16 matrix board chips/transistor circuits. As an intial test, I have only changed the DEVICE line and added xxxx PIN RBC OUTPUT and yyyy PIN RDE OUTPUT lines. I compiled and it was not correct (e.g. no WDATA statements yet or math code from JonnyMac) but It actually showed scrolling left, right, up and down. It was off in the placement but that's ok for now - just need to fix the code. I was more happy that I got through 3 nights of soldering all 256 LEDs and transistor/resistor circuits and ULN2803s and that all the LEDs came on as I hoped they would (even though they were not correctly displayed - just a mater of fixing the code). I would love to also display a picture or something at some point too on this new display. I think that by using WDATA on the RBC and RDE it should be possible. Thanks again to all especially JonnyMac! ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2007 (