It looks PIC16F946 has separately supplies pins for AD. If this is true, AVss should be connected directly to the supply (in the same point Vss is connected). Avdd could be supplied from a separate clean supply or from an LC filter connected directly to Vdd. If the environement is clean, AVdd and Vdd could be supplied together from the same power supply. Vasile On 3/7/07, Artem Zezyulinskiy / SEDATELEC wrote: > Hallo, List ! > > On the PIC16F946 I view 2 pins named AVss and AVdd. I understand it's > the power for analog periferals of the pic. > But the datasheet say only "2 words" about it : on page 211 of DS41265A > : it must be powered for ICSP. > > I don't know if I must use a separate power device for this pins or I > can rely theses pins to Vdd and Vss respectively. > > Artem > > -- > PIC/SX FAQ & list archive > View/change your membership options at > > -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at