I'm still waiting for my PIC-programmer to arrive, but I cannot sit idle so I borrowed a couple of books at the library and started to read about PIC-assembler, PIC-layouts etc. There is one thing that struck me. For my project, I'm going to have 5 mechanical switches (or around there) and 3 dual 7-LED segments. Now, how do you professionals "think" in a scenario like this, where the microcontroller is supposed to control all switches and LEDs? What I mean is, the big PIC I saw had 4 tristate A-ports (A0-A3 IIRC) and 8 B-ports (B0-B7). Given the fact that each LED-segment requires 7 outputs, how would you design the circuit? Multiplexers between the PIC and the segments? I'm still unskilled - practically - with mux'es, but there's never too late to learn. -- - Rikard. -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist