Most circuits have some inputs and outputs (external wires) connecting them to the real world. I want to create electrical noise and subject an unsuspecting PIC and its inputs to noise. I'd love to have a gizmo that can throw some noise into the system in the lab. It doesn't need to be fancy, just an effective noise-maker. I'm thinking a bank of relays with long leads to the relay coils (no coil suppression of course). The leads could then be wrapped around the inputs to the circuit. I also have in my lab a sample 120V DC motor; I could run that directly from rectified 120V AC, and switch rapidly on-off with one of the aforementioned relays... Does anyone have a favorite way of doing a quick bench test like this in their lab? Something you've maybe constructed that you'd like to share? -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at