In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, dkemppai wrote: [quote="Ken Gracey (Parallax)"] Dan, the USB SX-Key is still in engineering and has not been driven to production due to adequate supply of the serial version. It's proceeding, though. The C compiler is in beta and will remain there for quite some time. There's a beta test forum to which you could belong should you desire. [/quote] Ken, Here goes this stupid editor, making double spaced carrige returns again. I can't get it to do a single line carriage return. what's up with that? I like to add my cr's manually... Anyway, I'm not complaining about what parallax has done. And, I do understand their target markets. I'm just calling it like I see it. As for the beta test forum, I'm far too busy with my little one, and work and contracting to participate fully in anything like that. (Actually, I only spot check my SX forum emails for interesting content). Don't get me wrong, I'd love to help out, but lack the time. My problems is that I really need tools (hardware test, and software) to be stable and reliable and, I need them today. Again, I do like the SX becuse the platform is stable, and appears to be backed (for now anyway)by a large need in a product (Stamps) from the company holds some rights to the thing (Parallax). Let's face parallax is probably the only reason the SX is alive today. As for some of my faster stuff I'm going with CPLD's/FPGA's now. The SX just plain old ran out of horsepower for what I needed to do. Ben, I looked at all of the other C stuff out there for the SX. The problem is that everything else had poor reviews. All sorts of bugs, and poor support. If I was going to do C, it was going to be the parallax backed product, or no C at all... -Dan ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2007 (