In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, CCraig wrote: [3]I think somebody needs to talk me down. I'm fairly new to the SX, but here it goes.[/3] [3][/3] [3]Anyone modify the Parallax GPS code? Any warnings/hints?[/3] [3] [/3] [3]I want it to just send: Valid signal code, Latitude and Longitude (from the GPRMC string). I don't even need E/W, N/S as the app. is land based on this continent. I wanted Date and Time also (for logging), but I'm worried about data lengths and date/time stamp would be candy.[/3] [3] [/3] [3]Am I wasting my time because the data comes around fast enough as it is? AND the data is only coming out of the GPS side once a second. I saw someone's name in there. Any thoughts? (besides: "You should get back to your project and stop messing with the stuff that already works")[/3] [3] [/3] [3]I'm guessing I can't up the baud rate due to the oscillator?[/3] [3] [/3] [3]My idea is this: My app can start listening, sync on the Valid Code ("A"=valid or "V"=invalid)*, get the numbers and get back to work. I think I'm going to put the date/time stamp on the end of the output string for future use.[/3] [3] [/3] [3]The GPS unit would continuously send my output string, updated or not. If a program poles for data too fast, there will be a lot of old data duped as new data from the GPS radio side has not been received yet. I will add code if the radio fails/times out, it will catch it.[/3] [3][/3] [3]Anyone solder pins to the GPS unit to attach the Key?[/3] [3] [/3] [3]Every time I start to do this, I hear a tiny voice in my head say:[/3] [3] [/3] [3]"STOP., put the soldering iron DOWN., raise your hands and back slowly away from the bench."[/3] [3] [/3] [3]TIA, Chris[/3] [3] [/3] [3]* V=invalid, aren't we supposed to use correct mnemonics? or is this GPS thing a Gov't project?[/3] ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2007 (