The Space capsule Recovery Experiment (SRE-1) launched by Polar = Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C7) from Satish Dhawan Space Centre = (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota on January 10, 2007 was successfully = recovered today (January 22, 2007) after being maneuvered to reenter = the earth=92s atmosphere and descend over Bay of Bengal about 140 km = East of Sriharikota. Russell Ref: Matthew McMahon __________________ Since its launch, SRE-1 was going round the earth in a circular polar = orbit at an altitude of 637 km. In preparation for its reentry, SRE-1 = was put into an elliptical orbit with a perigee (nearest point to = earth) of 485 km and an apogee (farthest point to earth) of 639 km by = issuing commands from the Spacecraft Control Centre (SCC) of ISTRAC at = Bangalore on January 19, 2007. The critical de-boost operations were = executed from SCC, Bangalore supported by a network of ground stations = at Bangalore, Lucknow, Mauritius, Sriharikota, Biak in Indonesia, = Saskatoon in Canada, Svalbard in Norway besides shipborne and airborne = terminals. Today, January 22, 2007, the re-orientation of SRE-1 capsule for = de-boost operations commenced at 08:42 am (IST). The de-boost started = at 09:00 am with the firing of on-board rocket motors and the = operations were completed at 09:10 am. At 09:17 am, SRE-1 capsule was = reoriented for its re-entry into the dense atmosphere. The capsule = made its re-entry at 09:37 am at an altitude of 100 km with a velocity = of 8 km/sec (29,000 km per hour). During its reentry, the capsule was = protected from the intense heat by carbon phenolic ablative material = and silica tiles on its outer surface. By the time SRE-1 descended to an altitude of 5 km, aerodynamic = breaking had considerably reduced its velocity to 101 m/sec (363 km = per hour). Pilot and drogue parachute deployments helped in further = reducing its velocity to 47 m/sec (about 170 km per hour). The main parachute was deployed at about 2 km altitude and finally, = SRE-1 splashed down in the Bay of Bengal with a velocity of 12 m/sec = (about 43 km per hour) at 09:46 am. The flotation system, which = immediately got triggered, kept the capsule floating. Recovery = operations were supported and carried out by the Indian Coast Guard = and Indian Navy using ships, aircraft and helicopters. During its stay in orbit for the last 12 days, the two experiments on = board SRE-1 were successfully conducted under micro gravity = conditions. One of the experiments was related to study of metal = melting and crystallisation under micro gravity conditions. This = experiment, jointly designed by the Indian Institute of Science, = Bangalore and Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, was = performed in an Isothermal Heating Furnace. The second experiment, = designed by National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur, was = intended to study the synthesis of nano-crystals under micro gravity = conditions. This experiment can help in designing better biomaterials = having closest proximity with natural biological products. The = experimental results will be analysed in due course by the principal = scientific investigators of the two experiments. The successful launch, in-orbit operation of the on board experiments = and reentry and recovery of SRE-1 has demonstrated India=92s capability = in important technologies like aero-thermo structures, deceleration = and flotation systems, navigation, guidance and control. SRE-1 is an = important beginning for providing a low cost platform for = micro-gravity experiments in space science and technology and return = specimen from space. -- = PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at