Hi all, I put the following code into the 16F88, and I can no longer access it via my USB Board (HP488). Suggestions? The program made all the LEDs on the board light up (which is exactly what I was trying to do, but now I must figure out how to undo it :) ) Thanks. list p=16f88 ; list directive to define processor #include ; processor specific variable definitions errorlevel -302 ; suppress message 302 from list file __CONFIG _CONFIG1, _CP_OFF & _CCP1_RB0 & _DEBUG_OFF & _WRT_PROTECT_OFF & _CPD_OFF & _LVP_OFF & _BODEN_OFF & _MCLR_OFF & _PWRTE_OFF & _WDT_OFF & _HS_OSC CBLOCK 0x20 ; Declare variable addresses starting at 0x20 Loop1,Loop2 ENDC org 0 BANKSEL PORTB ; select bank of PORTB CLRF PORTB ; clearing output data latches to initialize (analog on restart for PORTA) BANKSEL ANSEL ; Select Bank of ANSEL MOVLW 0x00 ; Configure all pins as digital inputs MOVWF ANSEL ; as digital inputs MOVLW 0x00 ; Value used to initialize data direction MOVWF TRISB ; Set RB<7:0> as outputs BANKSEL PORTB Loop MOVLW 0xFF MOVWF PORTA MOVWF PORTB NOP NOP CALL Delay MOVLW H'00' MOVWF PORTA MOVWF PORTB CALL Delay GOTO Loop Delay MOVLW D'63' MOVWF Loop1 Outer MOVLW D'63' MOVWF Loop2 Inner NOP NOP DECFSZ Loop2,F GOTO Inner ; Inner loop = 5 usec. DECFSZ Loop1,F GOTO Outer RETURN end - Cisco -Cisco -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist