> If I get 220V from a dryer outlet, I understand that there are grounding > differences (dryer outlets are grounded to neutral?) that could be a > show-stopper in using the mill, which expect to be grounded to earth. Is > there a fix for this? older drier outlets use a combined ground and neutral making them slightly less safe, newer ones have them seperate, either way that shouldn't affect your appliances operation. > The wiring up to that point should be able to handle more > current -- > theoretically 15A x Num_Outlets. Is this correct? I'd also need > to change > the breaker for this circuit. unlikely, the whole circuit is only likely to be rated at 15 or 20 amps total > I don't mind getting an electrician in there to add an outlet and > run some > lines from the breaker panel, etc, but I can't get them to run > larger lines > into the garage without raising some eyebrows. is there something illegal about having a CNC mill in your garage? why can't you tell the electrician what you wan't power for? -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist