I'm having a bit of a problem with indoor air pollution from flux-fumes and am trying to figure out what to do about it. In short, I'm finding that the small production runs I'm doing are large enough that the flux fumes from the bulk soldering (solder pot and/or reflow oven) are bad enough that I need to do something about them. Both methods tend to put a lot of fumes in the air over a short period of time - and spread over a fairly large area when compared to say hand soldering a board. I'm pretty certain I either need a fume hood or some sort of other fume extraction device.... I'm trying to figure out what options don't suck.... Well, maybe I do want something which sucks, but you know what I mean :) Some of the fume extractors out there look interesting, but they're pricey and I'm not sure they would work for this application. And I don't really want to spend $1500 for something which sucks in a bad way... A fume hood looks like a good choice to extract the fumes, assuming they work... but then I end up putting my soldering pot and/or reflow oven *in* the fume hood, and let the fume hood suck heat away from the solder, etc. I've even considered some DIY options such as taking a range hood and adding some serious filtration to it. I'd really like some ideas of what has worked for others in the past. Also, It seems like I've been asking a lot of "small production run" questions lately. While these aren't completely off-topic, is there a better place (different email list perhaps?) for these types of discussions? -forrest -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist