> In a moment of stupidity I just bought 100 x PIC 16F628-A chips > in DIP packaging. > > However believe it or not I didn't realise until earlier today, reading > through the data sheet that they dont have normal A/D conversion - > but two comparators instead Don't feel so bad. I spent quite some time recently day-dreaming about the best way to upgrade a major project from 16F88 to 18F1320 and whether it was worth it (damn banking - of course it's worth it). Then realised 18F1320 doesn't have I2C, which is integral to the almost-completed prototypes. Now day-dreaming about whether to write s/w I2C or second s/w UART and the implications circuit-wise thereof d'oh ! -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist