MC68000 : Low Cost 32-Bit Microprocessor (Including HC000, HC001, EC000 and SEC000) The industry's lowest cost 32-bit microprocessor, the MC68000 offers an excellent low cost entry point to the M68000 Family. The MC68HC000 is a CMOS version of the original MC68000. The MC68HC001 is also a CMOS version of the original MC68000 with 8-/16-bit selectable data bus. The MC68EC000 version provides a lower cost 68000 solution. The MC68SEC000 version provides a static, low power implementation consuming only 15.0mA in normal 3.3V operation and 0.5mA in static standby mode. -----Original Message----- >From: Sean Schouten >Sent: Oct 16, 2006 5:00 PM >To: piclist >Subject: [EE] Vintage 68000 vs Modern 68HC000 > >Dear List, > >Is there anyone here that can point me out what the exact differences are >between the original 68k processor (used in the old amiga & apple computers) >and the new embedded 68HC000 concerning everything and anything except the >pin-outs? I am interested to know because I am looking to replace a vintage >one with it's modern cousin. > >All the information I can get on the subject is welcome as I am still in the >process of sifting through the shear amount of material google brings up on >anything to do with 68k. > >Thanks! > >Sean >-- > PIC/SX FAQ & list archive >View/change your membership options at > -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at