I'm trying to interface the PIC to a PC through the USART. I tried to set up the registers based on the datasheet. The TX pin goes high, but when I try to transmit, it just stays high with no signal. Any ideas what could be causing this? Thanks, Jason My test code is: include f877_4 include jlib var volatile byte SPBRG at 0x99 var volatile byte TXSTA at 0x98 var volatile byte RCSTA at 0x18 var volatile byte TXREG at 0x19 var volatile byte RCREG at 0x1a var volatile byte PIR1 at 0x0c -- set USART up pin_c6_direction = output -- transmit is an output pin_c7_direction = input -- receive is an input TXSTA = 0b_0010_0100 -- asynch, 8-bit, transmit enabled RCSTA = 0b_1001_0000 -- asynch, no address detect, 8-bit -- set for 300 baud SPBRG = 207 BRGH = low var bit LED is pin_b1 pin_b1_direction = output forever loop delay_100ms( 5 ) LED = high TXREG = "H" TXREG = "e" TXREG = "l" TXREG = "l" TXREG = "o" TXREG = " " delay_100ms( 5 ) LED = low end loop -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist