Gerhard Fiedler wrote: > > Engineer's professional world is of strict rules, specs etc=85 > > There real life world rules are set by some ideology, say, Christianity, > > Marx theory or whatever. Those two engineer's worlds are different "by > > design". That's two absolutely different experiences. > > I'm not sure I understand that fully, but I think I disagree. I'm not a > Christian, but for what I know about Christians, I think the Christian > engineers would hold that they try to use Christian principles in their > work whenever possible -- and that they regret when they feel compelled n= ot > to, and try to get better with that and have less reason to regret. > (Similar thing can be said for Marxists, IMO. Not sure about "whatever" :) Even with soviet engineers this is not true. No serious engineer would claim he used communist ideas to develop a device. Perhaps many would claim they are driven by the idea a communism to take over the Globe, but not that they used the ideology principles to develop an EE device. The same about Christian engineers, nobody would claim they used The 10 principles to choose, say the value of a resistor :-) That's why I'm talking that virtual professional EE world is ideology-free, that is, it's different to real-life world. MS ;-) -- = PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at