No, the pins don't have any load on them. I followed peoples advice to pull the PIC from the board and actually put the ICD in-circuit. Put some wires on the SMD pads and now I am currently trying to get the ICD debugger to work. But it just gives me this output: Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2 ...Connected Setting Vdd source to MPLAB ICD 2 Target Device PIC12F675 found, revision = Rev 0x2 ICDWarn0044: Target has an invalid calibration memory value (0x0). Continue? ...Reading ICD Product ID Running ICD Self Test ...Passed MPLAB ICD 2 Ready Programming Target... ICDWarn0044: Target has an invalid calibration memory value (0x0). Continue? ...Validating configuration fields Connecting to debug executive Entering Debug Mode ...Programming GOTO 0x00 command ICD0083: Debug: Unable to enter debug mode. Please double click this message for more information. MPLAB ICD 2 Ready Resetting Target Entering Debug Mode ...Programming GOTO 0x00 command Resetting Target MPLAB ICD 2 Ready MPLAB ICD 2 Ready Entering Debug Mode ...Programming GOTO 0x00 command All the self-tests pass. I have this connected to the circuit. I have tried both with and w/o the target board powered and have also tried w/o the debug header connected to the board. I would think that even if the target board were not connected, I would still be able to launch in to the debugger and watch my code execute on the attached pic12f675 header board. Any help or ideas, as always, appreciated. On 10/1/06, Andre Abelian wrote: > > Shawn, > > Connecting ICD2 to PIC is really easy and complicated if you have > hardware issue. > It sounds like your PGC and PGD pins have load. To make sure you do not > have impedance > problem put series resistor and reduce capacitance if you have any on > those pins. > Lets see your schematic first if you do not mind? > > -- Shawn Wilton (b9 Systems) <- New web page -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at