In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, rodneymc wrote: Welp, I just hit 19 Variables on the SX28 and wanted to add some more functionality. Referencing the help file on Variables, I'm seeing: [table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 border=1] [tr bgColor=#cfcfcf][td align=left width=75]Device[/td][td align=middle width=75]General[/td][td align=middle width=125]Arrays[/td][td align=middle width=75]Max. Array[/td][/tr][tr ][td align=left] SX18/20[/td][td align=middle]20[/td][td align=middle]6x16 + 1x5 + 1x4[/td][td align=middle]16 (each)[/td][/tr][tr ][td align=left] SX28[/td][td align=middle]19[/td][td align=middle]6x16 + 1x5 + 1x4[/td][td align=middle]16 (each)[/td][/tr][tr ][td align=left] SX48/52[/td][td align=middle]17[/td][td align=middle]223[/td][td align=middle]223[/td][/tr][/table] Looking at my code I have: So, as far as from what I've read from [url=]SX/B RAM Banking Scheme[/url], I'm understanding that now I would need to use arrays and an alias for any other variables. [b]1. How do I determine how much variable space do I have left?[/b] Mapping out the remaining space, I was curious how are I/O ports part of the variable mapping, and how much actual variable space I have left: It looks like I have the following available: [b]2. In the case of aliasing, shouldn't they function as a regular variable?[/b] [code]myValue Word index VAR byte(3) i VAR index(0) j VAR index(1) k VAR index(2) j = 3 Lookup j, CON1, CON2, CON3, CON4, CON5, CON6, myValue When I comple this, I get a 'BYTE VARIABLE EXPECTED: "j"' error. 3. Within my program, have a a incrementing counter. Based on that counter, I want to lookup a position for a predefined address label, and use it in the read statement later on in my programm. I initially tried using the WDATA statement, as in [code] WDATA LABEL1, LABEL2, LABEL3, LABEL4, LABEL5 [/code] The compiler didn't like it. Should this work? In finding an alternative, I used a real byte instead of an array, on #2 above, [code] myValue VAR Word i VAR Byte i = 3 LOOKUP i, LABEL1, LABEL2, LABEL3, LABEL4, LABEL5, myValue The compiler liked it better, but still complains with the following:
Warning 73, Pass 2: Mulit-byte instruction following skip instruction. Looking at the assembly shows that it looks like it's doing what I want. Is there any concern?
Is there another alternative, to do what I want to do other than multiple if-then's? Branching won't work since I don't actually want to execute the code at the addresses. Thanks! Rodney ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2006 (