Yes me again.. I am working on a little project with a PIC16f690, which involves reading/writing the data EEPROM. I have a chunk of code (shown below) That writes one byte, then loads the other into working and writes that.. the only thing is.. you only get the second. When you write it, the rest of the EEPROM is nuked. I have to say my EEPROM experience is limited (ie i have no idea what i am doing). I have read elsewhere that some of them have to be rewritten in chunks, rather than individual bytes, i cannot see anything in the datasheet saying this for the PIC... anyway... 'ere is my code save movfw emt BANKSEL EEADR ; MOVWF EEDAT ;Data Memory Value to write movlw 0x0; MOVF DATA_EE_ADDR, W; MOVWF EEADR ;Data Memory Address to write BANKSEL EECON1 ; BCF EECON1, EEPGD ;Point to DATA memory BSF EECON1, WREN ;Enable writes BCF INTCON, GIE ;Disable INTs. MOVLW 55h ; MOVWF EECON2 ;Write 55h MOVLW 0xAA ; MOVWF EECON2 ;Write AAh BSF EECON1, WR ;Set WR bit to begin write BCF EECON1, WREN ;Disable writes BANKSEL 0x00 ;Bank 0 movfw emtinv BANKSEL EEADR ; MOVWF EEDAT ;Data Memory Value to write movlw 0x1; MOVF DATA_EE_ADDR, W; MOVWF EEADR ;Data Memory Address to write BANKSEL EECON1 ; BCF EECON1, EEPGD ;Point to DATA memory BSF EECON1, WREN ;Enable writes BCF INTCON, GIE ;Disable INTs. MOVLW 55h ; MOVWF EECON2 ;Write 55h MOVLW 0xAA ; MOVWF EECON2 ;Write AAh BSF EECON1, WR ;Set WR bit to begin write BCF EECON1, WREN ;Disable writes BANKSEL 0x00 ;Bank 0 As you can see, its hbast*rdised from the data sheet.. The two registers i am saving to the eeprom are 'etm' and 'emtinv' saving them to 0x0 and 0x1 respectively. If it run it, the pull out the chip and put in my programmer and read the data off it.. only 0x1 has data in. If i add a third one after it.. only the third one is done. Is there some delay between consecutive writes? Thanks for any help, and for putting up with me (come on, you love me really). Steve -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at