In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, cbmeeks wrote: Since Bean has done such a great job with NTSC and I felt like I should just wait to see what he comes up with the next couple of weeks, I thought I would dig up my old VGA code and get it going. First thing I have to mention is that my SECOND camera is broke! argh...dang kids keep breaking my cameras. Anyway, below is the source in ASM that will generate a nice color orange on a VGA monitor. If anyone needs help wiring a VGA connector let me know and I can explain how I did it. When I get a new camera I am going to take some pictures so please be patient. Also, when I get that camera I am going to do an official tutorial on my new site (shameless plug ahead) [url][/url] Enjoy! [code] ;======================================================================= ;TITLE: sx52_vga_01 ; ;PURPOSE: SX52 based GPU ; ;AUTHOR: cbmeeks ; ;CONNECTIONS: ; ; TAPE = VSYNC ; hsync = rc.1 ; vsync = rc.0 ; ;DETAILS: ; ; ; 470 ; RB.0---\/\/--| ; 1.5k +------------- RED (0.0 - 0.7V) ; RB.1---\/\/--| ; ; 470 ; RB.2---\/\/--| ; 1.5k +------------- GREEN (0.0 - 0.7V) ; RB.3---\/\/--| ; ; 470 ; RB.4---\/\/--| ; 1.5k +------------- BLUE (0.0 - 0.7V) ; RB.5---\/\/--| ; ; ; ; RC.0------------------------ VSYNC (5v OK) ; RC.1------------------------ HSYNC (5v OK) ; ; ; RB is used for the image signal. ; You have 8 bits to do what you want. ; I recommend using 6 bits so that you get 2 bits ; per color (RGB) giving you 64 colors. ; ; Make sure RB doesn't go over 1 volt! (0.7v is the spec) ; ; ; If you have any questions, please ask! ; ; cbmeeks ; ; ; ;======================================================================= ;-------------------------- DEVICE DIRECTIVES -------------------------- DEVICE SX52,CARRYX FREQ 80_000_000 DEVICE OSCHS3 ; High-speed external oscillator DEVICE IFBD ; Crystal feedback disabled DEVICE XTLBUFD ; Crystal drive disabled IRC_CAL IRC_SLOW ; Calibrate Internal Crystal to the slowest setting RESET Initialize ;=============================================================================================== ; REGISTERS ;=============================================================================================== ;=============================================================================================== ; VARIABLES ;=============================================================================================== org $10 bank_0 d1 ds 1 ; general counter d2 ds 1 ; general counter d3 ds 1 ; general counter d4 ds 1 ; general counter Pixel ds 1 ; current pixel ScanLine ds 1 ; current scanline PixelCount ds 1 ; number of pixels wide hsync equ rc.1 vsync equ rc.0 WHITE equ %00111111 BLACK equ %00000000 ;------------------------ INITIALIZATION ROUTINE ----------------------- org $02 ;allow 2 for the debugger (PAGE 0) ;=============================================================================================== ; HORIZONTAL SCANLINE 31.77µS ;=============================================================================================== HScanline ;SYNC PULSE 3.77us clrb hsync ;(1) mov w, #$4B mov d1, w hsync_0: decsz d1 jmp hsync_0 ;(300) ;BACK PORCH 1.89us setb hsync ;(1) mov rb, #%00000000 ;(2) mov w, #$25 mov d1, w backporch_0: decsz d1 jmp backporch_0 ;ACTIVE VIDEO 25.17us mov rb, #%00001011 ;(2) mov w, #$1F mov d1, w mov w, #$02 mov d2, w active_0: decsz d1 jmp $+2 decsz d2 jmp active_0 nop nop ;FRONT PORCH 0.94us mov rb, #%00000000 ;(2) mov w, #$10 mov d1, w frontporch_0: decsz d1 jmp frontporch_0 jmp $+1 ret BlankLine ;SYNC PULSE 3.77us clrb hsync ;(1) mov w, #$4B mov d1, w bhsync_0: decsz d1 jmp bhsync_0 ;(300) ;BACK PORCH 1.89us setb hsync ;(1) mov rb, #%00000000 ;(2) mov w, #$25 mov d1, w bbackporch_0: decsz d1 jmp bbackporch_0 ;ACTIVE VIDEO 25.17us mov rb, #%00000000 ;(2) mov w, #$1F mov d1, w mov w, #$02 mov d2, w bactive_0: decsz d1 jmp $+2 decsz d2 jmp bactive_0 nop nop ;FRONT PORCH 0.94us mov rb, #%00000000 ;(2) mov w, #$10 mov d1, w bfrontporch_0: decsz d1 jmp bfrontporch_0 jmp $+1 ret ;=============================================================================================== ; SETUP ;=============================================================================================== Initialize ;Configure port settings mov rb, #%00000000 ;Port B output zero mov !rb,#%00000000 ;Port B all output mov rc, #%00000000 ;Port C output zero mov !rc,#%00000000 ;Port C all output ;other setup ;=============================================================================================== ; MAIN LOOP ;=============================================================================================== Main ;SYNC LENGTH 0.06ms clrb vsync call BlankLine call BlankLine ;BACK PORCH 1.02ms setb vsync ;(1) call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine ;ACTIVE VIDEO 480 lines (15.25ms) mov ScanLine, #240 LOOP1 call HScanline call HScanline djnz ScanLine, LOOP1 ;FRONT PORCH 0.35ms call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine call BlankLine ;=============================================================================================== ; JUMP BACK TO MAIN - Total lines: ;=============================================================================================== jmp Main ;goto main [/code] ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? 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