My friend Gina thanks you all very much and sincerely and hopes you have long and happy lives. She assures you she does not live with 30 cats, some dead, does not spend hours cackling in the rocking chair she hasn't got and is not a tin-can- hoarding, newspaper-collecting loony To answer some questions - Low intake of caffeine (generally health conscious) Does not self-medicate Has no pins in bones or a metal plate in the noggin Is sure there's nothing wrong with her hearing, but has taken this as an opportunity to have a test and also an overall health check The tower has been up for 5 years (corroded bolt now seems more likely, even if not the cause), and started life as a Vodaphone cell site. A few weeks ago, BCL (SkyTV) dishes were added and she says she noticed the tone one month ago. One night it wasn't there, the next night it very obviously was She's now paying more attention to where the tone is. When she takes the dog for a walk down to the beach (she's on the outskirts of Brawns Bay, Alan, at the fringe of suburbia), the tone disappears when she goes over a ridge (ie out of sight of the tower) and reappears on the way back home It does seem to be present all around the house, inside and out. Volume seems not to change with listening position I've still to do some work with her, eg testing other towers, trying to get some sort of recording and so on If/when we ever find out what it is, y'all be the first to know -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at