Hi: My clock program uses an ISR triggered from Timer2 once every 1.0 ms. In the ISR there is code that turns on an LED at the top of the second and turns it off after 10 ms. I'd like to use the LED for debugging and so commented out the two lines that control the LED, but after doing that the LCD display turned to garbage. It turns out that placing a "banksel PORTB" at the end of the ISR fixes the problem when the LED code is commented out. But I don't understand why? Have Fun, Brooke Clarke Here is the end of the ISR code: End_ISR movlw .10 ; 10 ms on (1 ms is too short) subwf ms_counter,W btfsc STATUS,Z banksel PORTB ; NEED banksel here or bcf PORTB,7 WHY-O-WHY ; bcf PORTB,7 ; heart beat off PC4 Testing Switches <<