Hello, I'm trying to program a PIC 18F2455 chip. I'm using PicBasic Pro as a frontend, MPLab v7.30 for the assembler, and MPLab icd 2 for the programmer. A simple testing program to flash a light on and off at 1 second intervals instead takes 8 seconds: ---------------------------------------- INCLUDE "modedefs.bas" define OSC 8 TRISA=%00000 TRISB=%00000000 TRISC=%11111111 StatusLED VAR porta.1 LOOP: high StatusLED pause 1000 low StatusLED pause 1000 goto LOOP ------------------------------------------ If I change OSC to 4 (or leave it out), the program takes 4 seconds per transition, so I initially thought I could just set OSC to 1 and be done with it - this wouldn't compile in PicBasic Pro, however, giving me the error "Symbol not previously defined (PAUSEUSL)". I tried fiddling with some of the constants defined in C:\pbp\p18f2455.inc, which the generated assembly included: -------------------------------------------- INCLUDE "P18F2455.INC" ; MPASM Header __CONFIG _CONFIG1L, _PLLDIV_5_1L & _CPUDIV_OSC1_PLL2_1L & _USBDIV_2_1L __CONFIG _CONFIG1H, _FOSC_HSPLL_HS_1H __CONFIG _CONFIG2H, _WDT_ON_2H & _WDTPS_128_2H __CONFIG _CONFIG3H, _PBADEN_OFF_3H __CONFIG _CONFIG4L, _LVP_OFF_4L & _XINST_OFF_4L --------------------------------------------- Unfortunately, nothing there seemed to have any effect on the timing at all. Where do you suggest I look next? I'm at a bit of a loss. (It's important that the timing be right for this, as I need to use serial comms to load new data at runtime, and SERIN doesn't seem to want to work, even when I tried setting the baud rate on the other end of the serial to 1200 to compensate.) Please let me know if I've missed describing anything important, I'm still quite new to PIC programming. Cheers, Mark -- A UNIX signature isn't a return address, it's the ASCII equivalent of a black velvet clown painting. It's a rectangle of carets surrounding a quote from a literary giant of weeniedom like Heinlein or Dr. Who. -- Chris Maeda -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist