On 9/2/06, Darren Gibbs wrote: > For my LED-based lighting project, I'm using an 18F1320 to do 8 > channels of 9 bit PWM in software. I have another PIC that generates > lighting patterns and communicates with the PWM PIC using serial > MIDI. It works fine, but there is very noticeable (distracting) > quantizing of the brightness steps at low brightness levels. I've > been experimenting with 10 or 11 bits of resolution, but the 40MHz > PIC isn't fast enough to do it without the PWM frequency dropping to > visible strobing. I've been searching the web for other/better ways > to do this, but so far I haven't found a part that seems > appropriate. In general pin count seems to go up with speed and I > don't need giant amounts of I/O. I did notice some future 28pin 8 > bit PICs on the Microchip webiste that run at 64MHz which is a step > closer. In my dreams is a 16bit, 80MHz MCU pin-compatible with the > 18F1320. Not holding my breath for that. Does anyone have any > suggestions a different MCU or different approach entirely? You could try sigma-delta modulation instead of PWM. In theory the noise will be moved to higher frequencies where it is less objectionable to the eye. It practice, it may take a bit more math, so the frequency may still be too low. Regards, Mark markrages@gmail -- You think that it is a secret, but it never has been one. - fortune cookie -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist