In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, ShadowsSoldier wrote: Here is my modified code. The problem I have identified still mystifies me. In short, depending on the value of TX1TX2 (0000_0000 or 1111_1111) the IRC rountine takes one of two paths. In one path the cycle count in the SXSim is always 64 (what I need) in the other path it is always 63 (when TxT1 is set to 1111_1111). Each path when selected will repeat for a total of six interupts - so I don;t see why there is a discrepancy. Does anyone else see what I am saying? BBAL ;5.120 MHz version Device SX28L, Turbo, Stackx, OSCHS3 IRC_CAL IRC_SLOW FREQ 5_120_000 RESET ResetEntry ORG 0 Interrupt ; Interrupt Routine - always starts at 0 DEC CycleCount ; countdown to 255 JNB CycleCount.7, WRITE ; cyclecount.7 = 0, compare ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; underflow occurs, reconfigure IRC Setb Recon.0 ; Recon to TRUE Exit JNB IRCState.0, TermPSA TermRTCC Mov w, #-64 Go Retiw ; single exit point TermPSA Mov w, #-%1111111 JMP Go ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WRITE JNB IRCState.0, TermPSA ; jump to prescaler return if IRCState=0 JNB TX1TX2.0, WriteRa ; toggle a port during RTCC - but which? NOT output1 Mov w, output1 Mov Rb, W ; write RB JMP TermRTCC ; terminate write RB WriteRa NOT output2 Mov w, output2 Mov Ra, w ; write RA JMP TermRTCC ; terminate write RA Org 08 CycleCount ds 1 TX1TX2 ds 1 IRCState ds 1 IRCRecon ds 1 Output1 ds 1 Output2 ds 1 Recon ds 1 Org 100 ResetEntry ;load predefined registers Clr Cyclecount ; trigger var Clr TX1TX2 ; Tx1/Tx2 (0/1) Clr IRCState ; 0 = RTCC w/ PSA , 1 = RTCC Clr Recon ; 0 = don't reconfigure, 1 = reconfigure Clr Output1 ; toggle state TX1 Clr Output2 ; toggle state TX2 ; de-glitch initial state Mov w, #%0000 Mov Ra, w ; set register A output to digital LOW Mov w, #%0000_0000 Mov Rb, w ; set register B output to digital LOW Mov w, #%0000_0000 Mov Rc, w ; set register C output to digital LOW ; configure ports Mov M, #$0f ; access TRIS mode Mov W, #%0000 ; bits 0-3 are outputs Mov !Ra, W ; make Ra0-Ra3 outputs Mov W, #%0000_0000 ; all bits output Mov !Rb, W ; set Port B pins to output Mov W, #%0000_0000 ; all bits output Mov !Rc, w ; set Port C pins to output ; Initialize Not TX1TX2 ; select TX 1/2 toggle this on and off and you get a 63-64 cycle difference Not Recon ; toggle reconfigure Start JNB Recon.0, Loop ; if recon = FALSE do not reconfig Call Reconfigure Loop JMP Loop ; Subroutine Reconfigure NOT IRCState ; flip state JNB IRCState.0, PSA Mov w, #%1100_0000 ; initialize RTCC = 191 Mov rtcc, w Mov w, #%1001_1111 ; reconfigure as RTCC only! Mov !option, w Mov w, #%0000_0110 ; Mov CycleCount,w ; set cyclecount to 6 (bit 7 ON on underflow)- 64 cycles = 12.5 us NOT TX1TX2 ; flip transmitter select JMP EndRoutine ; configuration complete PSA Mov w, #%0000_0001 Mov RTCC, w ; initialize RTCC to 0 Mov w, #%1000_0001 ; reconfigure RTCC with PSA 1:4 Mov !option, w Mov w, #%0000_0001 ; Mov w, #%0001_0100 Mov Cyclecount, w ; set counter to 20 (bit 7 ON on underflow)- 20 cycles prescaled = 4.0 ms Mov w, #-%1111111 ; jump ahead to call IRC every 256 cycles EndRoutine Clrb Recon.0 ; set reconfigure to false Ret ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2006 (