Hi Everyone, I'm making a little PIC-controlled floodlight interface for my house, and I'd like the PIC to be able to detect if the lamp filament is working. The PIC is running off a 7805 from a wall-adapter, and is happily controlling the floodlight via a triac. The floodlight is running off a 240vAC fused spur and is rated for 500W. I have another floodlight I'd like to use for a second interface that is 250W, so I'd like to be able to create a 'generic' broken-filament detector that doesn't rely on there being a specific wattage of bulb. I've seen the X-10 Microchip app note where they just use a mega Ohm resistor to connect a PIC pin up to the mains for the zero-crossing detect, but I'm not sure on the safety issues of that one. My other idea was a transistor with it's base connected via a suitably sized resistor to the 240v live just before the floodlight. The transistor would drive an optoisolator. I've seen something similar on piclist.com describing a stalled motor detector, but I've no idea if it would work with a lamp of variable wattage at 240vAC. Any thoughts/ideas appreciated. Cheers, Tim -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist