Stephen D. Barnes wrote:

>I am new to C in general. I have considered using MPLAB C30 for my dsPIC 
>experiments but have run into a stumbling block. Pouring through the 
>docs related to C30, I seem to find only compiler info. What I need to 
>find for my educational use is any info an the C language as pertains to 
>the PIC processor. Do I have to look at the includes and header files in 
>order to glean this info on my own with no ecperience with C at all? 
>What is the reccommended path for learning C on the PIC? I am a good 
>self starter and just need a kickstart in the right direction thast will 
>get me over the initial hump. Thanks.
Thanks for the replies! To narrow this down a little bit...I have 
recently acquired the books, software, etc. related to C and C++ on the 
PC. I am doing the reading and some exercises in an attempt to 
familiarize myself with the language, so I beleive I am on the right 
track in that regard. What I need is target specific language reference 
relating to the dsPIC processors. Most of what I find is compiler 
specific which does not give me any concept of how to configure the chip 
in C30 or make use of peripheral functions of the chip. For example, in 
ASM30 (assembly), one would in general, do the following to place a 
value into a register:
    MOV #literal_value, W0   ; move literal value into working register 0
    MOV W0, SFR                ; move contents of working register 0 to 
special function register (or any other specified)

How are the registers manipulated in C30.....what are they called in 
C30....are the register names the same as in assembly?
I see some C code using #pragma's to do things that  other code examples 
do withuot using the #pragma. It is the target specific info I need. If 
gleaning this info from includes and header files is required, then that 
is what I will do. I was curious if there existed any handy reference 
for these things. Again, all I seem to find is compiler specifics that 
do not guide one in the use of the language specific to the chip. Thanks 
again for any replies.

Stephen D. Barnes

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