Since I'm down to only a few hundred useful things that I need to get done at home, I though it'd be entertaining to make the taillights on my Caprice light sequentially. But really, a simple R/C time delay seems boring, whereas the ability to make the 3 bulbs flash in amusing patterns is interesting. Off-road, of course - I'm not sure if it's legal or not to do anything like that on the road, but I don't want some boob ramming the back of my car due to screwy brake lights either way. So presume that I'm capable of determining whether or not the light is being activated by the brake or a turn signal, and whether or not the car's in drive. In fact, presume that I've got everything figured out but how to actually control a few bulbs. I guess that using a PWM-like "turn them on and off real fast" thing will work fine for making the lights appear to fade in and out. The bright side of an 1157 should be on the order of 25-30 watts, which means I have to switch about 2.5 amps at 12 volts. I need individual bulb control, and there are 6 or 8 bulbs, depending on how ambitiously I try to kill my time. A relay likely won't work very long, if at all, under that kind of use. So, I need a transistor of some sort, right? Probably PNP, since I can't really interrupt the negative side and therefore have to switch the positive lead? Basically, I don't know jack about how to select an appropriate transistor for this application or what to look for other than current rating. Do I need a particular type, do I have to set something up like a Darlington pair, does that even make sense, etc? I'm pretty sure that all I have is enough knowledge to make me sound stupid to those who know in this area, so I'd appreciate both general knowledge and specific part numbers. :) Thanks! --Danny -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at