In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, tdg8934 wrote:


I agree with you too. I just recently upgraded from a BS2 to a BS2PX (missed the Holiday deadline with UPS). Delivery is Monday. I also have a SX Tech Tool Kit PRO (with the Professional Development Board - PDB) for use with the BS2 series OR SX28. I have the both options and the PDB is more money but worth it with all the "extras" built into the board for development. 

I like the BS2 for easiness of use and the BS2PX is almost 5 times faster too. I don't know how it will compare with the SX28 yet.

The SX28 is not too bad when using SX/B (BASIC like) code but developing on the BS2 series is easier to do and then convert it over to SX/B if you want more speed (using either SX/B or Assembler)

I hope to develop on the BS2PX first because it is easier to program. Then once it is working well, I can convert it into SX/B code (BASIC like code) for the SX28. Eventually I will get a better grasp on SX28 Assembly and go further in development.

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