On 11/25/05, Shawn Tan <shawn.tan@aeste.net> wrote:
> > I do not agree that "bottom-posting doesn't add complexity". To scroll
> > to the bottom adds a bit of complexity involved. To leave two empty
> the whole point is to "not force anyone to scroll"..
> > lines waste bandwidth. Start from the empty line is the natural thing
> > to do --> top posting adds less complexity.
> it's unnatural to leave blank spaces at the top.. hence, it's silly for
> clients to assume that everyone wants to top-post.. if they want to do that
> by default, fine.. but at least give users an option to turn it off.. forcing
> people to delete the few blank lines at the top for every single email is
> silly, and painful on the user..
> cheers..
> with metta,
> shawn tan.

Hehehe, the Gmail you like does leave two lines empty on top. I
do not think Gmail guys are anyway associated with Microsoft.
I am using Gmail now and I have left two empty lines on the top
and scroll a bit to do bottom-posting.

When people access email through a mobile-phone or PDA, I think
they will hate bottom posting.


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