>What is the general opinion of WIN AVR? >Stable. Useful. Comparison with for-money products? >Code size relative to xxx. >Comparison with other available languages (BASIC, ...)? >Other? > >The price is right :-) > Russell McMahon We almost moved to AVR last year and I started to monitor the AVR-GCC list. Luckily we did not do that. Microchip is still a much better company to deal with than Atmel for small business customers. Anyway I still continue to monitor AVR-GCC list. I have not used any AVR yet but my colleagues in Berlin use AVR exclusively for quite sometime even though they may have to move to Silicon Labs C8051F or PIC because of supply problem. Anyway, from my perception, AVR-GCC is very stable. It is very useful. Its code size compares favorably with the best (IAR C), maybe with the exception of floating point which may have some bugs and maintenance problem (I think one of P+F colleague in Mannheim wrote the original floating pointing library but I think he is using IAR C at work). The AVR-GCC community is quite helpful. Signal to noise ration of AVR-GCC related list is very good and all the OT stuff will be thrown out. Interestingly the lead developers are using FreeBSD and Windows, not Linux. AVR-GCC is so good that the AVR port of SDCC is never finished. SDCC is now concentrating with 8051 and PIC14/16 port. I do not know about Bascom AVR. I guess AVR-GCC will be much better in compiling efficiency. The potential problem may be the documentation which is generally lacking for most of the open source programs. Regards, Xiaofan -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist