Greetings, I hope that you may be of help to me. I am researching the availability of a sensor network to evaluate performance and efficiencies of installed Photovoltaic Electrical Generating installations. In my employment we install Photovoltaic arrays for generating Electricity for residential and commercial use. My thought is to broadcast a digital stream of information including voltage and amperage readings, to a web-based network center location, and compile, process, and evaluate the information. What I in-vision is a graphical representation of power output and efficiencies for individual and collective systems throughout a wide area (100 to 200 sq. miles). Our customers can log into a website and obtain their systems performance along with the ability to see the performances of all our systems connected to this service. I'm not entirely clear on how this system can be designed. I understand that a micro-controler may be a primary ingrediant to this type of system. If you could help me or provide me with assistance in finding someone that could help me in my pursuit it would be greatly appreciated. Tim, Hutchinson, MN -- Sent from the MicroControllers - PIC forum at -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at