Just a quick note: This thread has nothing to do with PICs and [PIC] was at the start of the subject line. Putting this tag at the beginning of the subject line, causes the message to be sent to people who have requested that only posts directly related to the PIC be sent to them. Consider instead adding one of the following: [EE] This label is for topics that, while not necessarily about PICs, are of general interest to the engineering community. [AD] This label is for posts advertising a commercial product or service. [OT] This label is for posts that are completely off the topic of PICs. The rest of this message is long winded B.S. Feel free to ignore it: Please understand, I really don't want to offend you or in any way discourage you from posting your valuable information (or funny remarks ) to the PICLIST. I'm just pointing out that people who only want to read engineering post about the PIC would not be able to filter out your post by setting up the list server or their email program to delete non-PIC subjects. If you remember to add [EE], [OT], or [AD] you can help retain people (resources) on the list who don't have time or bandwidth to follow non-[PIC] posts. You can post just about anything to the PIC list. Just mark the tread [OT]: and that's enough for us. If list members don't like it... they can filter it.... As I have advised other before, if a list member doesn't like something said in a post they can send the "offenders" a private email asking them to mark [OT]s. If they get buried, maybe they will. ..or maybe they will drop off the list and then part of the SIGNAL will be gone forever rather than just buried in the noise. I don't want to loose your signal and I won't keep sending you this "reminder" email if you reply and tell me to stop. My goal is to keep people (like Tjaart, Scott Dattalo, and others and YOU) from leaving the list rather than have their valuable time wasted by a rash of off topic posts that are not tagged correctly. Thanks for taking the time to read this. If you have other questions about how to get the most out of the PICList, please see the PICList FAQ at: http://www.piclist.com --- James Newton: PICList webmaster/Admin mailto:jamesnewton@piclist.com 1-619-652-0593 phone http://www.piclist.com/member/JMN-EFP-786 PIC/PICList FAQ: http://www.piclist.com -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist