From: "Gerhard Fiedler" > > Try Samba... works for some :) > And futebol (soccer for the USA)... we don't seek world dominance because we have our soccer team, which gives us world dominance 8^) > Seriously, with all the challenges to "normal life" that Brazilian culture > presents, there's one thing that this culture has (like some other "less > developed" cultures) that most of the "more developed" don't: they never > started a war. I believe I have all rights to speak about Brasil, because I am a Brazilian. We never started a was and I believe we never will for several reasons: 1) the corrupt politicians don't let the money get to the military 2) there are so many things that have a much bigger priority than military expenditures 3) we don't have a culture of war, although we have a very high pride in being brazilian. If we were threatened (in our own territory), I don't believe there is one brazilian that wouldn't fight to defend our nation, even with knives and machetes if necessary > I think there are some problems with the common understanding of concepts > like higher goals (people tend to think their goals are higher than other > people's goals), stability (tends to be associated with power to control > the instable elements) and prosperity (tends to be prosperity for some on > the back of others). I agree with you. I like to think that every story has two sides, yours and mine. Both of them are right from each one's point of view. For americans, North Korea is evil, for North Korea, americans are evil... It all depends on the reference point. For our culture (myself included), it is inadmissible for somebody to fight a war dressing with explosives and killing dozens of civilians, for some others, that's a bless. Have you ever been to Brasil? If yes you'll see that we have better things to do than going to war... going to the beaches, chasing girls and playing/watching futebol are amongst the more popular ones. Cheers Padu -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at