I've got a design that someone else gave me, for a PIC16C58B. It has the rs232 serial lines from the db9 connector coming in PIC pins 1 & 2. Transmit from the DB9 goes thru a 33k ohm resistor to PIC pin 1, and DB9 receive is tied directly to PIC pin 2. DB9 pin 5 is tied to ground. Comm is 19200 baud, no handshaking (3 wires only). I'd like to add a max232 chip to the design. I've got a max232 chip wired up to it, but can't get it to work. The guy that sells me the (pre-programmed) PIC's says the PIC serial pins "are of oppposite logic levels" so the max232 won't work with it. I've got the chip wired up similar to what's shown here: http://www.boondog.com/tutorials/pic16F84/rs232x.gif except I have C9 tied to gnd, not VCC. What am I doing wrong, or will this even work without modding the PIC itself? Thanks -Mark -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist