Rochester, 27 september 2005. Dear Harold, From your description I assume you want to keep it simple on the Windows side, but don't care about the complexity on the PIC side. There might be simpler methods, but the one I came up with was using SLIP: at the windows side this would just involve doing "Add New Connection" -> "Connect directl= y to another computer" -> "Guest" -> "COM1" -> Properties -> Networking -> SLIP. Don't forget to set an IP address. Of course, implementing SLIP on the PIC might not be easy (though it is a fairly simple protocol, it would imply implementing TCP/IP as well, at leas= t to the point where you can accept WWW requests, as well as the WWW server) but it would keep things quite simple on the Windows side. RFC 1055 contain= s more information about SLIP. It might be possible to use SLIP to multiple PICs connected the way you described, and even between PICs, but I doubt anyone has ever done it. Greetings, Maarten Hofman. -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at