> try stamp. it does exactly what you need! > > http://www.klingebiel.com/tempest/index.php4 Thanks. It looks excellent. It's NOT what I asked for, which was >>... software that will set a JPG file's date and time based on the >>EXIF data? BUT in the absence of that STAMP achieves the same result for practical purposes. What it does is prefix the file name with a sort ordered date and time (YYYY MM DD HH MM SS old file name) so that files sort correctly in date order and you can tell at a glance when they were taken. The other utilities also look excellent. I haven't figured out the catch yet. There is no charge and no licence mentioned that I could see. Whether there is spyware is yet to be seen. RM -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist