Yes people are social animals. I was one and over the last 54 years have essentially become a hermit ( although I live in a big city ) . I move away from crowds larger than 5 people. I spend every day looking at the "water" the human fish swim in. I am sure I am am blind to some facets of the water still. I found it amusing that the CSI episode centered on the fact the individual was "sick" rather than crazy. In one instance, it was okay to kill the guy ? In the other, it wasn't. I believe that actions are all that matters and I don't care what the cause is. If someone is a persistent danger to me, off they go. ( i emphasize persistent ) Feynman was a great guy. It is hard to get out on the edge because people will kill you. Especially if you wear a towel on your head. Augustus Gustavius Salvatore Calabrese 720.222.1309 AGSC Denver, CO and now the small print: Disclaimer: The above statements are not intended as an endorsement of any kind and any inference of having any verifiable knowledge about anything referenced above is purely coincidental. ( it is hoped ! ) If any statement above might get the author into trouble, it was not supported by the author but passed along from some mal- content as an educational experience. Alignment is with authority figures at all time; especially those with large police forces. PLEASE DON'T HURT ME ! I AM ON THE GROUND AND SUBMISSIVE. If you are not part of the solution, you are precipitate. ALL ORIGINAL COMMENTS / IDEAS / TEXT IN THIS MISSIVE ARE PUBLIC DOMAIN. USE THEM AS YOU WILL. -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at