I am attempting to fire 8 solenoids from a 16F628 and am inexperienced at playing with solenoids. The setup: One 16F628 connected to an optoisolator (necessary?) then to 8 power MOSFETs (with necessary resistors in tow). 8 mini 12V push solenoids (with flyback diodes) on the high side of the MOSFETs. Upon a trigger, I want to fire the solenoids (sometimes all 8 at once) and hold for 2 seconds or so. I am having somewhat success using PWM to control the initial current then drop it down once the coil is saturated to avoid burnout. Schematic: http://www.damonhamm.com/other/pic_solenoid_schematic1_pwm.gif (Initial tests do not utilize the #1 RC 'decoupling' circuit.) But, the MOSFET (1.5A? in a TO-220 case) heats up to be quite hot to the touch, which I wouldn't consider viable. Using 5V at the MOSFET gate (full on or PWM at 100%) doesn't produce enough current to fire the solenoid, while using 12V with PWM at 20% for 100ms, then at %1 to hold for 2s, still causes everything to heat up much too much after several cycles. I am still surprised that a duty cycle of 1:255 (~1%) still provides too much current! Is there something wrong with my setup or are the MOSFETs just too wimpy? I have some 6Watt DIP MOSFETs on the way to test out. Has anyone had any experience with solenoids that they can offer? Any resources, circuit critique, and component suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I have looked at DRV101T solenoid drivers (PWM), but would rather save $100 and use my solution. My multimeter always reads 0 current flowing when I attempt to see what the solenoid is using (can one not read current in series with inducors or is my MM fried? - had a 120V short with it years ago but everything else works fine). Thanks! - Damon -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist