> I've got some that I suspect are not working. 20MHz > crystal oscillators. Besides actally trying to use > them, is there a way to test & see if they are working? The subject says "crystal" but you say "oscillators". I'll assume you mean something like an 8- or 14-pin DIL oscillator module First things first.......why do you suspect they aren't working ? To have several that don't work seems a little unlikely (not impossible though, without knowing where they came from anything's possible) Do you got a noscilloscope or perhaps a frequency range on your multimeter ? You could measure Vcc current Take a PIC, for example one with working LED-blinky code Use one as the micro's clock source into OSC1 and see if the LED blinks at the expected rate Or feed the oscillator into T0CKI, with s/w detecting TMR0 rollovers to do the LED blinky thing -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist