I have posted the dsPIC programmer list. I think I=20 am really good at google and collect information. ;)- Attached please find my original post. -----Original Message----- From: Chen Xiao Fan=20 Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2005 9:25 PM To: 'piclist@mit.edu' Subject: [PIC] dsPIC programmer Links The following links are collected from Internet. So far I have only used ICD2 and Promate 3. Hopefully this will be of some use to those who are interested in dsPIC. For the software side, Microchip provides free assembler.=20 Microchip has also made C30 (GCC based with close source optimizer) 60 days demo available. Hitech and IAR provide 30 day demo for their dsPIC C compiler as well. MikroElektronika provides=20 dsPIC Pascal Compiler demo (6kb limited edition). All of the compilers should work under Linux with Wine as well. Linux C30 RPM or DEB binary packages can be downloaded from=20 http://noel.feld.cvut.cz/dspic/=20 http://forum.microchip.com/tm.asp?m=3D94243 (uChip Forum post) Regards, Xiaofan 1) Microchip MPLAB ICD2 (US$159) (Closed source and closed API) So far seems to be the best choice if not counting the ICD2 clones. http://www.microchip.com 2) WinPic800 (supports quite some programmers) and GTP Usb Lite (Closed source) http://perso.wanadoo.es/siscobf/winpic800.htm (Spanish) http://forum.microchip.com/tm.asp?m=3D108574 (uChip Forum post) 3) USB-Programmer =A1=B0Amadeus=A1=B1for PIC and AVR Microcontrollers (Closed source) http://home.arcor.de/bernhard.michelis/ 4) mikroElektronika dsPICprog US$89 (Closed source) http://www.mikroelektronika.co.yu/english/product/tools/dspicprog.htm 5) Winpicp/dspicprg for JDM and other programmers (open source) http://www.qsl.net/dl4yhf/winpicpr.html http://homerreid.ath.cx/misc/dspicprg/ Linux dsPIC 6) Warp 13 (Closed source) http://www.newfoundelectronics.com/downloads.htm 7) CCSinfo MachX US$199 (Closed source) http://www.ccsinfo.com/machx.shtml 8) MELABS EPIC Plus Programmer with Accessories - $99.95 (Closed source) http://www.melabs.com/products/epic.htm 9) Olin's Proporg (EmbedInc) US$295 (Frimware: closed source. Hostsoftware: open source, open API) http://www.embedinc.com/proprog/index.htm 10) Lots of professional programmers not listed here--> expensive, not for hobbyists Microchip PM3(US$895) and others.=20 11) lots of ICD2 clones: serial only, usb only and serial/usb. They can be built or bought at as low as US$20 (serial only) to=20 US$100 depending on the quality and quantity. This one looks nice (Sorry only Chinese) http://www.pic16.com/wzcapi/mcd2.htm USB/serial with power supply, USB and serial cable,now with free QL1201 universal programming module. But the shipment may not be cheap. Inside China, they say this one is quite good. (RMB680+RMB25 shipment