olin_piclist@embedinc.com (Olin Lathrop) > Here's a thought experiment: Pretend the planet was rigid with no oceans. Unusual imagery, but equivalent to the usual explanation, which goes like this: If the Earth deformed losslessly, the tidal bulges would always be in line with the moon (ignoring solar tides for the moment). However, the frictional losses cause the bulges to be dragged forward (in the direction of the Earth's rotation) with respect to that line. This causes the gravity vector that the moon sees to point slightly forward (in the direction of the moon's orbital motion) of the center of the Earth. This actually transfers energy from the Earth to the moon, raising its orbit and increasing its orbital period. All of this energy -- both the energy transferred to the moon and the energy that goes into the frictional losses -- comes from the rotational energy of the Earth. The Earth is slowing down (which is why we need leap seconds), and some day it will have one face locked facing the moon, just like the moon has one face locked toward the Earth already. When we extract energy from the tides, we're taking advantage of the difference in the heights of the land tide and the water tide. Doing so looks like additional frictional losses within the overall system. In other words, we're transferring more of the tidal strain from the relatively lossless water to the relatively lossy rock. The Earth slows down slightly more than it otherwise would if we didn't do that. -- Dave Tweed -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist