Olin Lathrop wrote: > > The 14C was a weird one of a kind PIC. There is no direct > replacement. If > I remember right, it had a 14 bit A/D, which is something no other PIC > has > even today. If 12 bits is enough, use the 30F3013. It won't be pin > compatible and of course not code compatible, but it should do > everything a > the 14C did except for missing a few A/D bits. If you really need > more than > 12 bit A/D then you have to use an external A/D with a PIC or some other > micro that has wider A/D like Cygnal. Not sure about how many A/D bits are required -- need to look more closely at the article. 12 bits may very well be enough. Not being code-compatible is not a real problem, since the algorithm is well stated, and that is what counts. Pin compatible is, of course, not a problem at all. However -- the 3013 data sheet does not show the "programmable reference and comparators" requirement. Am I missing something? John -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist