> What happened to the thousands of troops that should be > delivering aid and such on the home-front in the us? Ahem... In case you haven't heard, they are overseas right now lowering our gasoline prices... You have noticed the reduction in gas prices right? And before anyone has the BALLS to say something about "humanitarian" this or WMD's that, read this page: http://www.massmind.org/other/war4oil That is SOLID (but very under-reported) proof that oil is was and will be the only reason for the US invasion of Iraq. > I would > of thought that the mighty military would be busy with > full-scale rescue and aid operations, which they don't seem > to have running. In my eyes it's more like the odd soldier > has been sent on some field trip in which they have been > instructed to shoot anything that moves and has some personal > item in it's arm, there for remotely resembling a looter. I > don't even seem to spot too many 'troops' on television. > Whenever I do, they seem to be busy shooting looters rather > than helping people. The funding for improved dykes and FEMA's budget was CUT by GW just before the invasion of Iraq. This was part of the creation of the "Homeland Security" force (aka the S.S.) http://www.cnn.com/2005/WEATHER/09/02/levee.criticism.reut/index.html > You don't have to tell me that tragedy has unfolded in > New-Orleans; I can see that with my own two eyes. I just keep > on wondering why George W Bush doesn't push to increase aid > and rescue efforts. I would almost suspect him of being > afraid not to get a bonus by spending the federal money > reserves (is there even any money?) on what they should be > spent on! Fort Knox, open ye doors! He seems to have other priorities. One last game of golf (!) and a photo op at North Island (!) before cutting his vacation (!) to return to DC (two days after the storm!), just to name an example. Others would be avoiding the mothers of soldiers killed in Iraq http://www.massmind.org/techref/other/peace.htm > I remember that a documentary on discovery stated that the > Dutch can learn a thing or two from the US when it comes to > water management. I wonder how that can be the case if the > dutch have been at it for over 700 years? I don't think that > New Orleans is even that old... I know that I sound like a > total bastard, but the part about the dutch learning a thing > or two actually made me laugh. Our technology may well be more advanced, but the Dutch are smart enough to actually FUND the construction of water management projects. FEMA has been predicting this specific disaster for years and has never been able to get the necessary funds from the Bush administrations. > One thing I found terrible is the shear stupidity that has > overcome some people. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw > some people crawl out of the sewer they where hiding in! > Isn't that the dumbest place to hide in case of flooding etc? It isn't their fault. They are "sheeple"; products of a social system that breeds citizens who do not think for themselves and are easy to manage. http://www.massmind.org/techref/other/schoolpurpose.htm > Anyhow. I do wish all the poor souls lots and lots of luck > and hope that this is an eye opener for others. The fact of the matter is that the death toll is a drop in the bucket when you compare it to other things. - Coming up on 2000 of our soldiers dead in Iraq with no results to show for it in terms of gas prices OR WMDs OR any improvement in living conditions for Iraqis - 3,000 dead on 9/11. National hysteria against Islamic peoples. Loss of privacy via the "Patriot" Act. - Better than 60,000 dead on the roads in auto accidents every single year. Auto and Oil companies post record earnings. And, please note, that although I certainly have a political opinion on this subject, and the choices of the facts I reported may be biased by that but nothing I said here was unsubstantiated. I repeated ONLY solid, verifiable, hard, cold, facts. If you have a different opinion, feel free to state solid, verifiable, hard, cold, facts that support your position. But stay away from the political OPINIONs. --- James Newton: PICList webmaster/Admin mailto:jamesnewton@piclist.com 1-619-652-0593 phone http://www.piclist.com/member/JMN-EFP-786 PIC/PICList FAQ: http://www.piclist.com -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist