Hi all, At time I have no way to solve a little problem using a pic16f628. The original program was working well in a pic16f84a, but when I change the headers and compile it for a pic16f628 never works. The program is simple, at start time; it turns on 3 leds one by one with a delay of 20 mS between each one, so after 60mS the 3 leds must be ON. +--------------------------------------- LED1 ---! +---------------------------------- LED2 --------! *---------------------------- LED2 --------------! After 1 second, the sequence must be to turn OFF each led with a delay of 10 mS between each on. With a PIC16F84A it works well but when I use a pic16f628, the leds never be turned to ON in sequence. +----* LED1 ---! !---------------------------------- +-----+=20 LED2 --------! !---------------------------- +----+ LED2 --------------! !----------------------- Question is: What=B4s wrong? Augusto, OA4CVT --=20 http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist