In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, johncouture wrote: Mr. Newton (of fame) and Mr. Gracey (of Parallax), 1) Do either of you know of the existance of an index available for Al Williams "Exploring the SX Microcontroller with Assembly & BASIC Programming" (alphabetical list of keywords and topic with page numbers) that can be printed and appended to the end of Al Williams book. 2) Is there a "BASIC Language Reference Manual" for SX/B .... I know that the SX-Key has an online manual but I was looking for a book. 3) How about a traditional Programming Book for SX/B without the Assembler. Something that would have a chapter on Loops, another chapter on Arrays, another on interfacing to an LCD and printing "Hello World". You get the idea. 4) Mr. Newton, do you see a need for a SX/B section on your SX List? 5) Mr. Gracey, if we (as in, the forum members) create a series of chapters (i.e. just like the above), does this site have the ability to host such chapters and appoint "chief editors" for each chapter? Ok, so these are crazy ideas but I don't start teaching classes for a couple of days and my brain cells are starting to power up to full speed with all of these random thoughs about my foolish hobbies (grin). :p ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2005 (