In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, PJMonty wrote: Dan, Given that you have problems with walking on three different computers (and given that thousands of users use the exact same software you have without problems), lets take a look at what is common to your setups. Each time you are using the same SxKey, and the same project it's attached to. As someone else mentioned, power supply issues have proven to be a bit of a problem for some. I know that say the power supply is good, but have you swapped it out with an alternate and beefier supply to verify this, or are you just assuming it's good because it has always worked in the past? It's also possible that your SxKey is damaged in some fashion. The best case here would be to contact tech support and request a swap to verify that the key is or is not your problem. Of course, it's also possible that the IDE software is screwy. My only reason for getting to it last is that given that yours is the first complaint I've heard regarding "walking", it hard to say if the problem is the IDE software or something specific to your setup. Now then, it may be that most people don't use the "walk" feature and hence the lack of complaints, but I really have no idea how often the "walk" feature is used by people. The mighty FIFO settings have also been a cause of some problems for some users. Setting them from the defaults down to something small like 2/4 or 4/6 has helped many people. As for the debugger getting large fonts, that is a problem that I have seen myself, but the problem is that it's so rare that I have been unable to come up with a case that consistently causes it to happen. As you know, without the ability to replicate a problem, I am pretty much just taking random guesses to try and figure out why the problem occurs. If the problem happened more often, I might have a better shot at finding out the root cause, but it is a [b]very[/b] infrequent event for me. [list]Thanks, PeterM[/list] ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2005 (